Friday, May 3, 2013

Projects waiting in the wings

    This is pretty much just going to be a photo bomb post of things I'm going to be doing, along with a sneak peak of something that will hopefully be done by tomorrow for a couple of special people. 

     So this guy above is the soon to be gift....not anywhere near done and those bottles are just for size reference. It's halfway done being painted but I still need to make a trip to the hardware store to finish it, which closes at like 4p.m. I have to wait for the hubby to get home to do that. Not that I can't figure out what I need with out him but trying to take my son to a hardware store alone is just...well, a playground for a little boy where he can't touch anything. Horrible, so it has to wait.

    This is a chest my husband found on the side of the road... I loathe it. I have plans to make it a bright cobalt blue and put legs on it...

    This is currently under our TV in the living room and holds our DVR and that's it. I'm thinking a pale yellow and some fun pulls...

   This is a bench that came along with my Nana's piano, its in need of some sanding.

    This is a cool shelf my Nana had in her kitchen and she stored phone books in it instead of I on the other hand have wine to put in it but it needs a good cleaning and a fresh coat of paint.

    This dresser sits in our bedroom with our TV on it...I'm kind of lost on this one. I'm sure if we ever get around to painting out bedroom I'll know what to do with it.

    Then this one. This credenza or media console, whatever you want to call it is something I haven't been able to touch. My husband found it on the side of the road and claimed it. He just told me the other day I could do what I want with it because he wanted the space back in his "man cave". I'm so excited about this one I can't contain myself. I think I want to raise the height and make it a buffet in my kitchen....Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. there are some seriously cool pieces! you could totally refinish and then sell this stuff too, there's a big market for it now. i know i would totally be interested. :) can't wait to see the finished products!

