Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Give yourself a push

And so it begins...

    I started this blog at some point before my son was born(hes 15 months old now). I'm not sure what my intentions were then, maybe to set aside something for myself since I knew I would commit myself fully to being a stay at home mom. I'm not really sure but I know that I certainly didn't follow through with it since this is my very first blog post.

      I became inspired today by a friend who I know thought I was giving her advice but really shes the reason I'm give myself that "push". She recently went through a life change and is trying to find herself again so to speak, I found myself relating. I was telling her that even though I couldn't be happier with my life I have been with my best friend and husband since we were 16. Its often times hard to figure out where one of us ends and the other begins. 
    I've spent the last few months really trying to find myself a hobby or my own little niche in the world. I began telling her of my interests... lately I've been redoing old furniture, making wooden signs, obsessing over home remodel projects, etc.  I told her "get out there and try something" well I found myself not listening to my own advice of course. 
    So here I am, setting a goal and putting it out there. First, making my first blog post-CHECK! Hey good for me! Second, setting an intention for this blog. Which at this point will be to chronicle my adventure into remodel and upcycle projects. Third, and this is the biggest step for sure, to start in some way my bigger intention to some day sell the things I make. I want to spend the next year learning as much as I can about furniture renovation and different ideas when it comes to upcycling. I hope I'll have some of you join me along the way, to push me and help me achieve these goals.

P.S. Stayed tuned for my posts on projects I've already done and ones I have in mind.


  1. Good job for doing somthing for yourself, it don't matter what its just a good thing to have a little something for you. Being a good parent also means taking the time to take care of you also. Way to go!

  2. Thanks Dawn! The positive feedback is great!

